Results for 'J. Jarvis Thomson'

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  1. Verbs of Action in Kurt Baier Festschrift, I.J. Jarvis Thomson - 1987 - Synthese 72 (1):103-122.
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  2. Precis of Part I'.J. Jarvis Thomson - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (1):l71 - 3.
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    Portraits of American Philosophy.Nicholas Wolterstorff, J. B. Schneewind, Judith Jarvis Thomson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Richard J. Bernstein & Harry Frankfurt - 2013 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Portraits of American Philosophy, eight of America's most prominent philosophers offer autobiographical narratives that remind us that the life of a scholar is both a tale of personal struggle and an adventure in ideas.
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  4. Goodness and Advice.Judith Jarvis Thomson, Philip Fisher, Martha C. Nussbaum, J. B. Schneewind & Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    In my contribution to this volume, I (BHS) comment on on the stultifying rhetoric of contemporary analytic moral theory as illustrated in Judith Jarvis Thomson's Tanner Lectures, with particular reference to Thomson's anxieties about the moral relativism exhibited by college freshman and to her efforts--quite strained, in my view, and inevitably unsuccessful--to demonstrate the existence of objective judgments in matters of morality and taste .
  5. 10. Uma Narayan, Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism Uma Narayan, Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism (pp. 668-671). [REVIEW]Judith Jarvis Thomson, Dan W. Brock, Paul J. Weithman, Gerald Dworkin, F. M. Kamm, J. David Velleman & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3).
  6. Does Judith Jarvis Thomson Really Grant the Pro-Life View of Fetal Personhood in Her Defense of Abortion?: A Rawlsian Assessment.Francis J. Beckwith - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):443-451.
    In her ground-breaking 1971 article, “A Defense of Abortion,” Judith Jarvis Thomson argues that even if one grants to the prolifer her most important premise—that the fetus is a person—the prolifer’s conclusion, the intrinsic wrongness of abortion, does not follow. However, in her 1995 article, “Abortion: Whose Right?,” Thomson employs Rawlsian liberalism to argue that even though the prolifer’s view of fetal personhood is not unreasonable, the prochoice advocate is not unreasonable in rejecting it. Thus, because we (...)
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    Judith Jarvis Thomson, goodness and advice (princeton, NJ: Princeton university press, 2000), XVI + 188 pp. [REVIEW]Michael J. Zimmerman - 2004 - Noûs 38 (3):534–552.
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    Book ReviewsJudith Jarvis. Thomson, Goodness and Advice. Edited by Amy Gutmann.Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. Pp. 188. $35.00. [REVIEW]Michael Ridge - 2003 - Ethics 113 (2):447-450.
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    Thomson, Judith Jarvis . Normativity . Chicago: Open Court, 2008 . Pp. ix+271. $27.97 (paper). [REVIEW]William J. FitzPatrick - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):417-422.
  10. J. J. Thomson, une vie consacrée à l’éthique.Steve Humbert-Droz & Roberto Keller - 2020 - le Temps 30.
    Judith Jarvis Thomson (1929-2020), philosophe américaine parmi les figures les plus marquantes dans l’étude de la normativité et de l’éthique, s’est éteinte ce 20 novembre à l’âge de 91 ans. Professeure émérite au MIT, sa carrière s’est étendue sur cinq décennies consacrées à la recherche, à l’enseignement et à la publication de plusieurs articles et ouvrages sur la nature des valeurs, des normes et des droits. Parmi ses ouvrages les plus importants, nous rappelons The Realm of Rights (1990), (...)
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  11. Thomson's turnabout on the trolley.William J. FitzPatrick - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):636-643.
    The famous ‘trolley problem’ began as a simple variation on an example given in passing by Philippa Foot , involving a runaway trolley that cannot be stopped but can be steered to a path of lesser harm. By switching from the perspective of the driver to that of a bystander, Judith Jarvis Thomson showed how the case raises difficulties for the normative theory Foot meant to be defending, and Thomson compounded the challenge with further variations that created (...)
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  12. Killing, Letting Die, and the Trolley Problem.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1976 - The Monist 59 (2):204-217.
    Judith Jarvis Thomson; Killing, Letting Die, and The Trolley Problem, The Monist, Volume 59, Issue 2, 1 April 1976, Pages 204–217,
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  13. Inside knowledge: cultural constructions of insight in psychosis.Laurence J. Kirmayer, Ellen Corin & Jarvis & G. Eric - 2004 - In Xavier F. Amador & Anthony S. David, Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Oxford University Press UK.
  14. (1 other version)A defense of abortion.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 1 (1):47-66.
  15. (2 other versions)Normativity.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 2:240-266.
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  16. Self-defense.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1991 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 20 (4):283-310.
    But what if in order to save 0nc’s life one has to ki]1 another person? In some cases that is obviously permissible. In a case I will call Villainous Aggrcssor, you are standing in :1 meadow, innocently minding your own business, and 21 truck suddenly heads toward you. You try to sidestep the truck, but it tums as you tum. Now you can sec the driver: he is a mam you know has long hated you. What to do? You cannot (...)
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  17. Normativity.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2008 - Open Court. Edited by Russ Shafer-Landau.
    Goodness -- Goodness properties -- Expressivism -- Betterness relations -- Virtue/kind properties -- Correctness properties (acts) -- Correctness properties (mental states) -- Reasons-for (mental states) -- Reasons-for (acts) -- On some views about "ought" : relativism, dilemmas, means-ends -- On some views about "ought" : belief, outcomes, epistemic ought -- Directives -- Addendum 1: "Red" and "good" -- Addendum 2: Correctness -- Addendum 3: Reasons -- Addendum 4: Reasoning.
  18. Rights, restitution, and risk: essays, in moral theory.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1986 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by William Parent.
    Moral theory should be simple: the moral theorist attends to ordinary human action to explain what makes some acts right and others wrong, and we need no microscope to observe a human act. Yet no moral theory that is simple captures all of the morally relevant facts. In a set of vivid examples, stories, and cases Judith Thomson shows just how wide an array of moral considerations bears on all but the simplest of problems. She is a philosophical analyst (...)
  19. The statue and the clay.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1998 - Noûs 32 (2):149-173.
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  20. Self-Defense and Rights.Judith Jarvis Thomson - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1976, given by Judith Jarvis Thomson, an American philosopher.
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  21. Turning the trolley.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (4):359-374.
  22. The right to privacy.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (4):295-314.
  23. Reasons and reasoning.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1964 - In Max Black, Philosophy in America. Ithaca: Routledge.
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    Moving beyond the moral status of organoid‐entities.Andrew J. Barnhart & Kris Dierickx - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (2):103-110.
    Ethical deliberations are unfolding for potentially controversial organoid‐entities such as brain organoids and embryoids. Much of the ethical deliberation centers on the questionable moral status of such organoid‐entities. However, while such work is important and appropriate, ethical deliberations may become too exclusively rooted in moral status and potentially overshadow other relevant moral dilemmas. The ethical discussion on organoid models can benefit from insights brought forth by both Judith Jarvis Thomson and Don Marquis in how they attempted to advance (...)
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  25. What Follows from State-Mandated Pregnancy?Jake Earl & Caitlin J. Cain - 2023 - Annals of Internal Medicine 176 (2):270-271.
    This Ideas and Opinions article revisits an argument from Judith Jarvis Thomson in her essay “A Defense of Abortion” that abortion can be an ethical choice even if we assume that fetuses have full moral personhood and moral rights. The authors examine the implications of laws that require a pregnant person to care for another with their body and what other impositions states may also require of citizens to care for others.
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  26. Physician‐assisted suicide: Two moral arguments.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3):497-518.
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  27. People and their bodies.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2008 - In Theodore Sider, John P. Hawthorne & Dean W. Zimmerman, Contemporary debates in metaphysics. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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  28. Preferential hiring.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1973 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 2 (4):364-384.
  29. The time of a killing.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (5):115-132.
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    Acts and other events.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1977 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  31. Rights, Restitution, and Risk.Judith Jarvis Thomson & William Parent - 1988 - Ethics 98 (4):806-826.
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    (2 other versions)Acts and Other Events.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (1):169-170.
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    (1 other version)Goodness and Utilitarianism.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1993 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 67 (2):145-159.
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  34. Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity.Gilbert Harman & Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1996 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. Edited by Judith Jarvis Thomson.
    Do moral questions have objective answers? In this great debate, Gilbert Harman explains and argues for relativism, emotivism, and moral scepticism. In his view, moral disagreements are like disagreements about what to pay for a house; there are no correct answers ahead of time, except in relation to one or another moral framework. Independently, Judith Jarvis Thomson examines what she takes to be the case against moral objectivity, and rejects it; she argues that it is possible to find (...)
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  35. More On The Metaphysics of Harm.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (2):436-458.
  36. Morality and bad luck.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1989 - Metaphilosophy 20 (3-4):203-221.
  37. Some reflections on Hart and Honore, causation in the law.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2008 - In Matthew H. Kramer, The legacy of H.L.A. Hart: legal, political, and moral philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  38. Ruminations on an Account of Personal Identity.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1987 - In On Being and Saying: Essays for Richard Cartwright. MIT Press. pp. 215-240.
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  39. Individuating actions.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (21):774-781.
  40. On Some Ways in Which A Thing Can be Good.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):96-117.
    I There are a great many ways in which a thing can be good. What counts as a way of being good? I leave it to intuition. Let us allow that being a good dancer is being good in a way, and that so also is being a good carpenter. We might group these and similar ways of being good under the name activity goodness, since a good dancer is good at dancing and a good carpenter is good at carpentry. (...)
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  41. Time, space, and objects.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1965 - Mind 74 (293):1-27.
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  42. Goodness.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (2):467-475.
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  43. Mctaggart on Time.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s15):229-252.
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  44. Rights and deaths.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1973 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 2 (2):146-159.
  45. The trolley problem – Das Trolley-Problem.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2020 - Reclam.
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    On Being and Saying: Essays for Richard Cartwright.Judith Jarvis Thomson (ed.) - 1987 - MIT Press.
    Richard Cartwright's impact on other philosophers has been as much a product of his own personal contact with students and colleagues as the result of his written work. The essays in this book demonstrate the deep influence he has had, not only by his thinking but equally by his style and manner and, above all, by his clarity and purity of intention. All of the essays are concerned with the questions of logic, language, and metaphysics that have been at the (...)
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  47. Molyneux’s Problem.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (October):637-650.
  48. Abortion.Michael Tooley - 2014 - In Steven Luper, The Cambridge Companion to Life and Death. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 243-63.
    1. Overview -/- 1.1 Main Divisions When, if ever, is it morally permissible to end the life of a human embryo or fetus, and why? As regards the first of these questions, there are extreme anti-abortion views, according to which abortion is prima facie seriously wrong from conception onwards – or at least shortly thereafter; there are extreme permissibility views, according to which abortion is always permissible in itself; and there are moderate views, according to which abortion is sometimes permissible, (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Paul Hamlyn "There must be another way ...".Philip Jarvis & Sue Thomson - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (3):120-130.
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    The Decline of Cause.Judith Jarvis Thomson - unknown
    On April 2, 1987, Professor of Philosophy, Judith Jarvis Thomson of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, delivered the Georgetown Law Center’s seventh Annual Philip A. Hart Memorial Lecture: "The Decline of Cause." Judith Jarvis Thomson works in ethics and metaphysics. Her book, The Realm of Rights (Harvard University Press, 1990) is a study of the questions what it is to have a right, and which ones we have. An article entitled "Self-Defense" appeared in Philosophy and Public Affairs (...)
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